Bringing the Unconscious to Awareness

A 10-week journey of self-discovery and growth. Based on the 4-Step Integrative Model For Group Psychotherapy.
Starting Monday  15th  Jan, 2024.

Group Overview

Our group is designed to help you live a more fulfilling life. We believe that understanding and meeting your core needs is the key to achieving more satisfaction. Rooted in the 4-Step Integrative Model for Group Psychotherapy, this group helps you discover your true needs and wants and break down barriers that are in the way of achieving the life you truly deserve. 

How it works?

The group runs for 10 weeks from the 15th of Jan 2024 till the 18th of Mar between 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The group offers a safe space for open discussions and spontaneous interactions, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

The Group dynamics

Get to Know What You Really Need

First things first, let's figure out what makes you tick. We'll dig deep and uncover those important psychological needs that influence how you act or feel. Then, we'll find ways to meet those needs in a healthy way, so you can live a more satisfying life.    

Speak Up About What You Want

Now it's time to confidently express your desires and wishes. We'll work together to find the right words to communicate what you truly want. We'll also tackle any fears that might be holding you back from getting what you need.

Overcome Obstacles Together

Life can throw some curve balls at us, but don't worry – we'll face them head-on. We'll identify any challenges, whether they're real or just in your head, and make sure you realize that you have every right to have your needs met. We'll navigate the path to fulfillment together.  

Create Your Own Path

This is where you take control of your journey. You get to decide how you want to live and behave. We'll help you design a fresh, healthy way of doing things that aligns with who you truly are.  

A boost to your individual therapy journey

Group therapy is a form of therapy that involves a small group of individuals who meet weekly to discuss and explore common challenges. Through group therapy you will be able to gain different perspectives from others who share similar experiences.
Combining group therapy with individual psychotherapy increases your chances of achieving profound, lasting transformation. It's the extra boost you need for personal advancement. So, whether you're navigating mental health conditions or significant life changes, group therapy can be your ally and a reminder that you're never alone in your mental health journey. 

The 4-Step Integrative Model for Group Psychotherapy,

Will not help you if you are experiencing:

Acute suicidal and/or self-harm
Active substance-use disorders
Active mania or hypo-mania
Autism spectrum disorders
Severe cognitive impairment
Severe personality disorders
Other acute untreated major psychiatric disorders

Matching you with your group

Matching you with the right group is critical for success. Before placing you in a particular group, we always consider your needs, preferences, and stage of recovery and the nature of the group.

Considerations include:
- Your ability to engage with people in a group setting.
-Your case history.
-Your needed level of care.
-Your stage of recovery.
-Your expected outcomes, among others.

*If you are not seeing a therapist, please fill out this form to get matched with one.
It is required that you are matched with an individual therapist prior to joining a Group Therapy for your safety and that of fellow group members. 

How to apply


Step 1:
If you’re currently seeing a therapist

Register here


Step 2:
After filling the form, you’ll be directed to a payment link.


Step 3:
You can book an assessment session with Dr.John Gamal afterwards.

If after the assessment, you realize the group isn’t the right fit for you, you’ll get a full refund of the paid amount.

Upcoming Group

1 session a week for 10 weeks
Starting Monday, Jan 15th, 2024, to Monday, Mar 18th, 2024
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (GMT+2)

Provided by:
Dr. John Gamal | Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist

5000 EGP / 300 USD *Anyone applies outside Egypt

*Hurry up and catch the 20% early bird discount till Dec 20th

Good news! special discount applied for Rassel subscribers or registered Employee Wellness Program clients.